We’re Glad You’re Here

Welcome to Tuscola Band

Spring 2025 Concerts and MPA Competitions

Please mark your Spring 2025 calendars for these Tuscola Band concert music opportunities.

Jazz Band ConcertTuesday March 4, 7:00 pm, Tuscola Auditorium

It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing!

Pre-MPA ConcertTuesday March 11th, 6:00 pm, Tuscola Auditorium

Join the Tuscola Symphony Band and Concert Band to hear a preview of their programs for the upcoming MPA (Music Performance Adjudication) concert competition.

Symphonic Band MPAMarch 27th, time To Be Announced, Mars Hill University

Tuscola, and outstanding bands from across Western North Carolina, present their concert programs for the MPA judges at Mars Hill University. This is your chance to hear Tuscola’s Symphony band “at it’s best,” and to see and hear other superb concert bands if you can come early and/or stay late.

Concert Band MPA – March 28th, time To Be Announced, Mars Hill University

Percussion EnsembleThursday May 1st, 7:00 pm, Tuscola Auditorium

Tuscola’s percussion crew always bangs their drums and other instruments for a precision good time!

Small Ensemble MPA – May 8th, More Info Soon

Spring ConcertThursday May 15th, 7:00pm, First United Methodist Church of Waynesville

The Tuscola Symphony Band and Concert Band present their final concert of the school year. It’s always inspiring and fun to hear the musical accomplishments of our Tuscola Band students. Plus, the Waynesville First Methodist Church sanctuary is a wonderful venue. Be there!


Land of the Sky Contest – 2024

Tuscola swept nearly every award for their competition class at the Land of the Sky contest at Enka HS, November 2, 2024.

In class 3A, Tuscola came away with first place Band, first place Music, first place percussion, first place color guard and second place drum majors.


Read all about it in the December 7, 2024 edition of The Mountaineer.


And please enjoy these images of the show and warmup.



Fireworks and Fun

A big thank you goes to the Waynesville community and to the many Marching Mountaineer fans who turned out to view the Lake Junaluska fireworks celebration from the Tuscola HS parking lot the evening of July 3!


Families of all sizes and lots of their friends and neighbors had loads of fun, food and fellowship from 6 to 10 pm, topped off by Lake Junaluska’s fabulous fireworks celebrating America’s Independence. Over 225 carloads of Tuscola Band fans and supporters (likely well over 1000 people) attended. Thanks to all for helping the Band meet and exceed it’s fundraising goals for the event!


Please enjoy these images from the evening. We look forward to seeing everyone for the fireworks again next year!


